Friday, September 28, 2007

Stop Snow Mold From Eating Your Lawn

Most of us enjoy a nice patch of thick green grass under our feet during the spring and summer, but unfortunately for those people who live in areas that get thick blankets of snow, this might actually be something that they take for granted. Mold becomes a problem for some lawns during the winter time and can absolutely wreak havoc on them while that thick and beautiful blanket of snow graces your front yard. By the time it melts, you will be left with dead circular patches of grass all over and not a clue as to how they got there.

Mold is a problem generally when a thick and wet layer of snow falls on your front yard before the ground has had a chance to freeze and render the mold spores and fungus living there dormant. This means that when the blanket of snow is resting on your lawn and insulating it throughout the winter, mold is free to run amok and have a feast on it.

The symptoms of this lawn disease are typically circular patches of dead grass all over the lawn, but if the infection is severe, then you may not even be able to see these as circular patches due to the amount of grass that has been killed.

There are at least two different kinds of snow mold and these are pink and gray. The pink variety of snow mold seems to be the most dangerous of the two, as it is able to reach the roots of the grass and completely kill it. This is caused by the mold Microdochium nivale and can be anywhere from a light pink to a deep salmon-pink type color.

Gray snow mold is, as you would guess, anywhere from gray to white in color, but it is not caused by a specific mold. It is caused by molds in the genus Typhula. These molds do not affect more than the blades of grass and will not kill the grass down at the roots.

Snow mold occurs most often when a blanket of snow falls on a patch of ground that is not frozen and does not melt for an extended period of time. It can also occur, however, when fall leaves are let to cover a patch of grass for a long time. The best thing that you can do to prevent snow mold is to keep mowing your lawn as long as it keeps growing and do not fertilize your lawn less than six weeks before cold weather rolls in.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Connecticut Mold Remediation services and other states such as
north carolina mold remediation companies across the united states.

Ordinary Water Damage Prevention Tips

The majority of water damage to your home can be avoided if you just take a few simple steps. They are not as hard as you might think and you will be safeguarding the value of your home for years to come. Repairs for water damage do not typically come cheap unless you do it yourself and use less than ideal building materials, so why not do your best to avoid the problem altogether?

You might not be thinking about the structural integrity of your home when the washing machine or the bath tub overflows, but you probably should be. If you are a forgetful person that allows this to happen a lot more than it probably should, you could actually be doing quite a bit of damage to the floor of your home. Overflows like this should be avoided at all costs, but we are all a little forgetful sometimes.

Something that we also do not typically think about most of the time is whether or not the steam that exists in our kitchens and bathrooms actually has anywhere to go while we are bathing or cooking dinner. The sad fact is that if the steam does not have anywhere to go, it will stick to your walls, ceiling, and cabinets and be completely absorbed by them. When drywall absorbs too much water, the paper on the outside of it can start to sag and eventually, the entire board becomes weakened by it. Combine that with the unsightly appearance of water stains and you have a fair sized problem on your hands. The solution is to install a steam vent into both of these rooms near the source of the steam.

Keep your rain gutters cleaned out every fall. The purpose of the gutters is to collect the water that slides off of your roof when it rains, channel it to downspouts, and eventually down to the ground and away from the foundation of the home. Water that settles around the foundation of your home can be a real problem if you let it happen over years of time, because it can cause the home to start sinking into the ground.

Any leaks that you find in your roof need to be fixed as often as necessary, because a roof leak can ruin not only ceiling drywall, but also the fiberglass insulation that you might have in your attic. This insulation becomes completely useless and heavy when it gets wet and can eventually cause the drywall underneath it to collapse.

Jim Corkern is a writer and respected contributor to the Water damage restoration and mold remediation Industry. Visit his sites for more information.

Mold Remediation Cleanup Equipment

When you are talking about cleaning up mold and removing it from your home, there are a few different methods that you can use. Depending on the size and type of infection, you might want to use one technique before trying the other, however. Large scale infections can be handled by you if you know what you are doing and have the proper equipment to assist you.

Using a wet vacuum to clean up standing water in your home is a good thing to start with. This is especially important if you suspect Stachybotrys chartarum or Stachybotrys atra have made a home out of an area of your basement a home. Stachy loves standing water and cellulose-based items such as cardboard and paper, so removing standing water from any part of your home is important to keeping this kind of mold from growing. It does not always need standing water in order to grow, but it helps significantly. You should be warned, however, that if an infection already exists, you should probably call a professional to deal with this particular mold because it has been given the deadly label of “toxic”.

A vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter can assist you when you are performing any invasive procedures on your home to remove the mold infection that exists. This usually means tearing out drywall or other building materials or even just removing contaminated wallpaper. The HEPA filter removes all particles from the air that is being collected by it and releases clean air back into your home. When emptying the vacuum’s receptacle, you do not want to touch any of this material with your bare hands. When dumping it into a garbage bag, be careful to stir up the contents into the air you are breathing as little as possible.

You will also want to have a good respirator if you are planning on doing any remediation on your own. These can be anything from a simple N-95 respirator that you can find in hardware stores all the way to an electric powered air purifying respirator that requires training in order to use it effectively.

You should also wear some breathable, protective clothing made of a material such as TYVEK when doing your own remediation. Anyone that you hire should also be wearing these, as well, as it is a sign of just how professional their company may or may not be.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
New Jersey Sewage Damage Cleanup and other states such as
New York mold remediation companies across the united states.

Mold Related Diseases

Exposure to mold for a long period of time can cause all different kinds of health problems and individual diseases, but some of us do not really understand just how inconvenient and even deadly some of these conditions can be. Whether the disease or condition ends in “osis” or “mycosis” does not really matter as much as the actual symptoms of the disease, which can even lead to death in some cases.

Those who are the most threatened by mold exposure are typically those who have weak constitutions. This can be an infant or a small child, an elderly person with health problems, or someone who has HIV or AIDS. Even perfectly healthy people can succumb to the effects of breathing in mold spores or letting it come into contact with their skin, but it usually takes longer for these individuals to develop symptoms.

The typical symptoms of these diseases can be mild flu or allergy symptoms like coughing, sneezing, or fever or they can be more serious such as coughing up blood, respiratory infections, or yeast infections. The kind of symptoms that surface usually depend upon the exact kind of infection you have developed, but some conditions, such as the presence of aspergilloma (or fungus balls) in the body have no symptoms for quite a while before they are finally detected.

Caused by molds in the genus called Aspergillis, aspergilloma is a fairly serious condition. When called by the common name of “fungus balls”, they not only sound pretty nasty; they actually are. They invade any pre-existing cavities in the organs of your body and those who are at the most risk to develop these are typically those who have had conditions like cancer or tuberculosis. Without any symptoms in the beginning, you probably will not realize that you have aspergilloma living inside you without your doctor performing a chest x-ray or other detection technique.

Penicilliosis is a disease that is native to the region of southeast Asia where the mold that causes it lives and this is referred to as the third most common infection that occurs in patients with HIV and AIDS in the region. Since the mold that causes this, Penicillium marneffei, exists only in this region, cases of this infection are fairly confined to this region of the world. Those with HIV or AIDS, however, who are traveling back and forth to the region should be very cautious because this infection can be fatal.

Jim Corkern is a writer and respected contributor to the Water damage restoration and mold remediation Industry. Visit his sites for more information.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Blastomycoses and Your Pet’s Health

Blastomyces dermatitidis or “Blasto” as it is sometimes called is a very harmful kind of mold that can cause your pet to become seriously ill. It can cause pneumonia and other respiratory infections in humans, dogs, and sometimes cats. The infections have also been known to spread and infect other parts of the body. It is a naturally occurring part of our environment, especially the outdoors, and the most common kinds of dog that become infected with blasto are hunting or sporting dogs. Any dog that spends a lot of time outdoors is at a higher risk of being infected than a dog that stays indoors often, unless the indoor environment has a mold infestation.

Mold spores can be taken into the body either by inhaling them or by allowing them to enter the body through a break in the skin, such as when a person or animal comes into contact with soil contaminated by the mold. Mold, when it enters the body and is heated to body temperature, becomes yeast. While some of us might be concerned about catching this from their dog or cat, the yeast form of the mold is not contagious and if you have a pet that is exhibiting signs of a blasto infection, you shouldn’t worry about contracting it.

There are three different kinds of blastomycosis and these are respiratory, disseminated, and cutaneous. Much of the time all three of these conditions appear in the same animal or person at the same time. The cutaneous version can appear as skin lesions on the body and these lesions can be caused by the mold spores going into the body through a cut or other sore and are characterized by itchiness. They are also typically wet and if left untreated, can do a lot of damage to surrounding tissue and bone.

The most serious form of blastomycosis (and unfortunately, the most common kind) is pneumonia. The treatment for this is usually expensive and it can take up to six months to clear up the infection, so it’s important to catch this disease as early as you can. If you suspect that your dog might be sick with pneumonia (watch for coughing), take him to your veterinarian immediately and have a physical done. Sometimes these infections are misdiagnosed and receive antibiotics instead of the antifungal medication that it needs. It might be diagnosed as blasto too late, especially if the case involves pneumonia.

Blasto yeast cells can be identified if sores on the skin, if they exist, are swabbed and the contents of that swab looked at under a microscope. Extracting fluids from lymph nodes with a needle can be another option.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration companies and
Dallas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors.

Where Water Damage Is Most Common

Your kitchen and bathroom are the two most common areas to find water damage in your home and preventing it is probably a lot easier than you think. It might be a little annoying to have to remember to do these things on a semi-regular basis, but you won’t regret it when you realize how much money you’ll be saving. Water damage restoration can be expensive and why pay those costs when you can take a few minutes every now and then to make sure your two most at risk areas are covered?

If you’re lucky enough to have a dishwasher, you know that sometimes you’re unlucky enough for it to leak water out into your kitchen floor. If you do, it’s best to get this taken care of as soon as possible. The longer you allow your dishwasher to leak water into the floor, the more susceptible that area of the floor will be to water damage. Check the hose or pipes that lead to the dishwasher and see if those are leaking or have any weak spots.

One trick to use to see if you have any hidden leaks in your home is to turn off any and everything in your home that uses water (don’t even flush the toilet) and check what your water meter says. Leave these things off for about an hour and then go back and check your meter again. If the numbers have changed, you have a leak somewhere in your home.

The ice maker in your refrigerator can cause water damage a lot easier than you might think. The water line to this part of the refrigerator can rupture or like any other water line in your house, a connection can be lose and cause water to spew into the floor. If the door to your freezer doesn’t shut completely, then everything in your freezer will thaw.

A lot of water damage in the bathroom can be caused by a toilet that keeps overflowing over time. If you have small children in the house, make sure to supervise them while they’re in the bathroom. Most people know that babies putting objects into the toilet that do not belong there is a common occurrence and isn’t to be taken lightly. A piece of jewelry or a toy car can be the cause of a series of toilet backups and as a result, water damage around the base of the toilet. This will eventually cause the wood to rot if you don’t have a tile floor or if the tile around the base of the toilet is not sealed properly.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Orlando water damage restoration companies and
Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Water Damaged Cars And Why You Don’t Want One

Looking around for a used vehicle to buy either as your first car or as a replacement for your last one can be a hassle enough by itself without having to worry about whether you’re going to end up buying a lemon. You have to worry about financing, what kind of vehicle is best, and if it’s going to break down on you as soon as you get it home, but one thing that a lot of people don’t tend to think about when shopping for a new vehicle is if it has ever been completely submerged in water.

These vehicles aren’t always readily noticeable as having been submerged before. Dishonest car dealers and individuals looking to cheat you aren’t likely to tell you that a vehicle has been flooded, so you have to watch out for yourself.

One of the most dangerous things about vehicles that have been flooded can be is the possibility of mold growth in the interior of the car. It’s just as dangerous as the mold that can grow inside your home, but you’re less likely to notice it because most people don’t think about mold growing in their cars. Sometimes bad car dealers will try to cover the odor of mold in the car with air or carpet fresheners. You never know if the mold has been completely removed from the car unless the carpet has been replaced and the interior cleaned by a professional.

Even the engine isn’t safe. Any flood waters the car has been exposed to contain sand, dirt, silt, or any number of debris that can work its way into the engine and cause it to malfunction. Even sewage can be found in some flood waters.

There are also electrical problems abound in vehicles that have been flooded before. Many things on a vehicle today are monitored not by manual gauges, but by electronics and trying to use these by powering on the car before it’s completely dried out will probably ruin them.

Look for rust in the trunk of the car, particularly around the headlights and smell the interior closely. If there’s a musty odor or you can detect a scented air or carpet freshener has been used, it’s probably a good idea to go somewhere else to find a vehicle. Even if you purchase a vehicle history report off of a website, you might not get all the information on a vehicle. You’ll get any information that was reported to the insurance company and a claim was done on, but if the car was submerged and the person or dealer chooses to sell it without reporting the incident, they can.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Texas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors and
Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Water Damage and Its Causes

Water damage is one of the worst things that a homeowner or a landlord can have to deal with on their property and most of us generally know what causes it, but what about the specifics? There are many different causes of water damage, but some are a bit more evident and common than others.

One of the best things that you can do to prevent water damage in your bathroom is to have a tile floor and not a carpeted one. Carpeted bathroom floors are popular in some circles, but they’re particularly good at absorbing water and hiding a water damaged (and probably mold infested) floor underneath. If you don’t have a tile floor yet and you can’t afford to have one installed at this time, do your best to make sure that your toilet and bath tub do not overflow.

A leaky roof is often a culprit of water damage in the attic and on ceilings and this can be prevented by purchasing a waterproofing sealant for your rooftop. This will prevent water from seeping into the house through a small sized leak. Unless something punctures your roof, this should fix most problems. Making sure your roof is properly angled depending on the climate that you live in is also essential to preventing water damage due to a leaky roof. If the roof is not properly angled so that snow and ice can fall off and to the ground, it will weigh down on it and eventually cause not only structural damage, but also water leaks.

Check the pipes underneath your kitchen and bathroom sinks and also any other pipes that are exposed to make sure that they are not cracked or otherwise damaged. They and any hoses should connect firmly to dishwashers, laundry washers, and sinks. Properly insulating your exposed pipes indoors and outdoors is also essential to keep them from freezing and bursting during the winter. If it drops below 20 degrees, leave a little water running through your faucets; running water is more difficult to freeze than its standing counterpart.

The land around the base of your home should be sloping away from it so that water is directed away from the foundation. If it is not, it will leak into your cellar and possibly cause structural damage to your home’s foundation. Water loosens soil and it can cause your home to sink into the ground over time.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Orlando water damage restoration companies and
Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Mold In Our Daily Lives

Everybody knows how much damage mold growing inside a home or a workplace can be to human beings, but something that we tend to forget is just how important mold is to our daily lives. It exists everywhere, but people all over the world have used it to help advance society for years.

Molds have been used to make things like cheese, breads, and beer, which are some of the most important and basic foods we have. Bleu cheese contains mold and is pretty popular both in its salad dressing form and in its whole cheese form. Bread is a staple in almost every home on the planet and while beer might not be that important to some people, but it’s obvious how popular it usually is with the masses and some people can’t really imagine life without it. Sake is made in Japan by using a mold and what is known in Japan as red yeast rice is also made using mold, even though they require two different kinds. Other fungi such as mushrooms are used in our foods to help flavor them and add more substance to our meals. They’re particularly popular in Italian food and some species of mushroom can cost as much as several hundred or even between one and two thousand dollars per single pound.

Molds grow in the wild and assist in the decomposition of dead bodies and burnt foliage. After a forest is burned to the ground, the first things that begin to grow again on the landscape are fungi. Molds, which are classified as fungi, are some of the oldest organisms on the planet and have been here since before even the oldest dinosaurs. They break down anything that is based on cellulose like wood or any other form of dead plant and animal matter.

Molds are cultivated in laboratories worldwide for a number of uses, especially different kinds of medicines. Penicillin, one of the first shots that citizens of the United States receive, is made from mold in mass quantities and was discovered by accident. It’s been used to kill all kinds of bacteria that cause human diseases, including Staphylococcus and has been used since 1929 when Alexander Fleming first made known his discovery.

Molds only really become an issue whenever they begin to grow inside homes or businesses. They can cause us an innumerable amount of health problems and can damage our building structures on a basic level, not to mention making them unsightly.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Miami water damage restoration companies and
mold remediation companies across the united states.